Cliff Frank
Healthcare Management Solutions, Inc.
caphelp@msn.com cliffsconfab@gmail.com (904) 874-6134

Projects and clients highlighted here are but a small sampling of some of our more recents works.
Additional project and client information can be made available upon request.
Vermont Managed Care - Burlington, VT
Clinical and Financial Integration:
Accomplished turnaround and operated a 2,000-provider capitated network for 40,000 commercial lives
Contracted with payer partners on a percent of premium or global capitation basis
Operated a self-insured employer benefit plan and network at-risk for cost/quality/ patient satisfaction outcomes
Managed natural tensions between academic medical center and community providers of care
Developed clinical standards of care for review, analysis and intervention by Medical Director or PCPs
Managed care for high risk patients across the continuum of care using a patient advocacy model
Shared Savings Model
Vermont Managed Care Network comprising primary care physicians, specialty physicians, other providers and hospitals
Providers agree to a 15% withhold
Necessary to qualify as 'risk-based organization'
Withhold is retained by VMC and distributed to network providers based on the financial performance of each plan
If total plan costs vary from medical expense target by more than 15% +/-, the payers/plan sponsors either receive a rebate or fund additional dollars
Target PMPM & Distribution Withhold

Shore Medical Center - Somers Point, NJ
Built and operated ACO for Medicaid, Commercial and Medicare beneficiaries
35,000 lives
$4 million+ in provider bonuses
Measured, monitored, reported and affected appropriate utilization, quality metrics, and HCC risk scores
Developed risk model for Track C MSSP for 1/1/2020
Connecticut Childrens’ Medical Center - Hartford, CT
Renegotiated major contracts for medical center and faculty practice
Negotiated bundled payments for Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis including infusion medications
Conducted strategic pricing review with consumers shopping for commodity type clinical services
Borland Groover Clinic - Jacksonville, FL
Restarted payer negotiations with Blue Cross
Designed bundled payment for Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis including infusion medications
Designed bundled payment for screening colonoscopy
Conducted organizational assessment and leadership initiatives
Palos Medical Center - Chicago, IL
Renegotiated major contracts with Blue Cross and others
Designed and build a commercial CIN – Chicago Health Colleagues
Secured 1st contract with Blue Cross
Centivo - NY
Built new model of provider network for large self-insured employers
Designed PCP-centric care model to provide close patient relationships and prudent use of hospital-based outpatient services