Cliff Frank
Healthcare Management Solutions, Inc.
caphelp@msn.com cliffsconfab@gmail.com (904) 874-6134

Shea has been involved in healthcare for 10+ years. He currently works for Shore Quality Partners, a CIN/ACO based in South Jersey. Shore Quality Partners has various shared savings arrangements and Shea manages a team that oversees 40,000+ member lives. His focus has been increasing patient quality through reducing waste and utilizing higher quality/lower cost network utilization. Shea provides expertise in financial management, data analytics, provider, and practice risk readiness as well as provider and payor partnerships.
Shea has help setup and run risk-bearing ACO, Shore Quality Partners ACO, LLC. He has also consulted several organizations specializing in data management, data analytics as well as network utilization.
Shea’s consulting clients have included:
Triple S (BCBS PR)
Archway Medical
Compass Medical Group
Health Insurance Funds of NJ
Kelsey Sebold Clinic
Shea has written various articles as well as spoken on podcasts.
Robert Shea Wisler
Professional History
Manager Population Health, Shore Quality Partners
Director of Rehabilitation, Genesis Healthcare
BA, Ursinus College